RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The “Asexual” Asian Man - End the Undesirable Stereotype

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take explains the problems with the trope of the asexual Asian man:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Nag Trope - It’s Time to Write It Out

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the trope of the nagging wife:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Teen Tropes of Today - How TikTok Changed High School

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the modern high school trope landscape:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Dysfunctional Family Onscreen - The New “Normal”

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take looks at the trope of the dysfunctional family:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Jennifer's Body and the Horrific Female Gaze

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take looks at “Jennifer’s Body” and the female gaze in horror:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Redhead Dichotomy | How We Respond To Difference

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take looks at how we treat red-haired women and men in film and TV:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: How Film & TV Misrepresented Neurodiversity

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take addresses why film and TV have misrepresented neurodiversity:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Why There Are So Many Lesbian Period Pieces

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the trend of period lesbian dramas:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Why Film & TV Erased Asexuality

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines why asexuality has been erased from movies and television:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Rick and Morty - Why Rick is Actually an Adolescent

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines Rick and Morty and Rick’s real stage of development:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Why We Need the Manic Pixie Dream Boy

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the trope of the Manic Pixie Dream BOY:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Female Gaze - Yes, It Can Exist

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the Female Gaze:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: What Dark Academia Says About Elite Education

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the trope of dark academia:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Lotus Blossom Stereotype - Dangers of the Asian Fetish

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take examines the trope of the Lotus Blossom:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Actress Trope | How We See Women

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take analyzes the concept of the “the actress” as a character:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Sympathetic Villain | Why The Bad Guy Is Taking Over

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take analyzes the concept of the sympathetic villain:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Queer Coding, Explained | Hidden in Plain Sight

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take analyzes the concept of “queer coding” in film and TV:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Mansplainer in Pop Culture - Why He Mansplains

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take analyzes the Mansplainer:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: The Teen Mom Trope | Tragic, Heroic or Glam?

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take analyzes the trope of the Teen Mom:

RevEx's Very Useful Link of the Day: Megan Fox, The Self-Aware Sex Symbol

Welcome to our daily feature, where each day, we post a link to something useful. Whether it be news related to creativity or a guide to something or instruction on craft or just something that we can all learn from, we’ll give you one a day. Here’s today’s Very Useful Link of the Day:

The Take analyzes the career of Megan Fox and how Hollywood has cast her and used her in movies: