Announcing the RevEx 100 Playlist!

Even before coronavirus hit, there was a massive amount of quality new music being produced. With artists across the world quarantined, even more music is being produced now. To accommodate this, we’re expanding our RevEx 50 playlist, the basis for the Rev 50 in 15 podcast, is now the RevEx 100!

The idea behind our primary playlist, the RevEx 100, is to collect an eclectic mix of new and ground-breaking music. The old genre boundaries are quickly falling and the new music landscape is chaotic, let us find some of the best new music and deliver it to you. The list has no boundaries in terms of genre or concept, it’s open to any new music (that is available on Spotify, since that’s where we host the list). The list is specifically hand-picked and, with some exceptions for artistic or intellectual reasons, we choose progressive or non-political music and artists. While this playlist isn’t safe for work, it is pretty safe for people who share our values of fairness, equality, diversity and trusting the voice of the artist. This list is updated every week.

Listen to the RevEx 100!

100 songs doesn’t last long and there are more good songs than we can dig into, so we also provide RevEx Radio, which not only includes all the songs in the RevEx 100, but also includes many more songs (it’s a 400 song playlist) that includes other songs from the RevEx 100 artists, other popular artists and some obscure gems. This is also a list that is updated weekly, although this one is NOT regularly checked for content, so you may find some offensive songs on this list.

Listen to RevEx Radio!

Finally, more than 400 songs worth listening to come out each year, so RevEx Radio 2020 collects all the songs that appear and drop off of the other two playlists. The 2020 list includes every song that appeared on the other two lists for the entire year.

Listen to RevEx Radio 2020!