Morning, darling, wake up in the morning
Attraction, affection, she is perfection
Kissing, hugging, make a little loving

Empathy, sympathy, they tell me I'm wrong
Health care, welfare, they tell me I'm wrong
Birth control, abortion, they tell me I'm wrong

Wrong, wrong, they tell me I'm wrong

University, diversity, barriers shrinking
Classroom, homework, critical thinking
Expanding horizons, weed and drinking

Information, facts, they tell me I'm wrong
Scientific method, they tell me I'm wrong
Education, truth, they tell me I'm wrong

Wrong, wrong, they tell me I'm wrong

Declaration, constitution, freedom for the masses
Our rights are lost in a war of the classes
Liars, thieves, fucking jackasses

God, no god, they tell me I'm wrong
Free speech, states rights, they tell me I'm wrong
Assembly, free press, they tell me I'm wrong

Wrong, wrong, they tell me I'm wrong

Wake up, my son, wake up in the morning
18, boots on, time to go a-warring
Tomorrow, another war, no time for mourning

Guns and bombs, they tell me I'm wrong
Torture and nukes, they tell me I'm wrong
Collateral damage, they tell me I'm wrong

Wrong, wrong, they tell me I'm wrong

Morning, darling, wake up in the morning
My words, my rhymes, here is your warning
Right-wing ideas, time for your mourning

Progress, the future, they tell me I'm wrong
Hope and change, they tell me I'm wrong
Today, tomorrow, they tell me I'm wrong

Wrong, wrong, they tell me I'm wrong
Wrong, wrong, they tell me I'm wrong
But I'm not