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You say you want a revolution
We all want to change the world
You need to start an evolution
Drop your cocks and glocks and get ready to rock
You wanna be starting something?
Stand for something or you'll fall for everything
You need to be one out of one million residents
Being dissident who ain't kissin it

Time to get ready, get arms, get ammo
No not guns, not shots, no blammo
Make sure your brain is cocked and loaded
Up til now your mid has been weak and bloated
Time for a new brain work out
Remake things, be bold, be stout
Forget What you know, abuse your illusions
Everything you know is wrong, no more delusions

If you see something, say something
If you hear something, say something
If you think something, do something
If you feel something, do something

If you see something, say something
If you hear something, say something
If you think something, do something
If you feel something, do something

Step up to the stage, time for a lesson
Freedom curriculum, start your mission
Daily Kos, Media Matters, Netroots Nation
Crooks & Liars, Daily Show, TPM
Blacking It Up, Jasiri X
Shakesville, Hullaballoo, Alternet
Twitter, Facebook, Think Progress
Raw Story, Howie Klein and all the rest

No Fox, no Rush, don't watch TV
Pick up a book and learn to read
Read Lakoff, Feldman and Drew Weston
Krugman, Shenkman, Kahane and Conason
Demon-Haunted World, Park, Shermer, Lind
Lies My Teacher Told Me, Chomsky and Zinn
Alterman, Cross, Katz and FAIR
Message me, I'll list you hundreds more

If you see something, say something
If you hear something, say something
If you think something, do something
If you feel something, do something

If you see something, say something
If you hear something, say something
If you think something, do something
If you feel something, do something

You say you want a revolution
I think that you're full of shit
You sit on your ass, watching TV
You got no drive, you got no commitment
They shoot up a school, you go to a vigil
Next day you forget it all, still acting civil
You posted your thoughts and prayers on Facebook
Sent a tweet, you think you're done

It's time to become Public Enemy #1
When you agree to disagree
You're sleeping with the enemy
You need to bleed, you need to be freed
This battle is fought 24-7
You need to be open like 7-11
Evil never sleeps, it never rests
Sitting in a tower in 3-piece suits and vests

If you see something, say something
If you hear something, say something
If you think something, do something
If you feel something, do something

If you see something, say something
If you hear something, say something
If you think something, do something
If you feel something, do something