Logline: A Chinese-American dog trainer who works on a secret military project must escape a remote island with his married lover and a puppy after a pack of genetically modified killer dogs breaks free and seeks revenge on the humans who experimented on and abused them.

Summary: At a secret government project (approved by Donald Trump) on a remote island, scientists are injecting dogs with a serum that makes them bigger, stronger, smarter, more aggressive and more racist in order to make them living weapons for war. When a general and a U.S. Senator who is definitely not NOT Ted Cruz visit the island, the dogs break out and get their revenge on the men who have wronged them and a wide variety of well-deserving douchebag humans.

This is a straight-up horror comedy that is a throwback to the low-budget man vs. nature/animals movies of the 1970s. Lots of action, lots of dog-on-human violence, lots of cathartic retribution. Also, there's a love story between the Chinese-American and Korean-American leads, a diverse cast of both humans and dogs and enough dark humor and political satire to satisfy an entire pack of viewers.

This spec feature was written in 2021 and last updated in 2022.

Keywords: horror, nature, animals, diverse cast, Asian-American lead, Asian-American villain, toxic masculinity, racism