Logline: When an alien mastermind heralds the imminent invasion of earth, a half-organized, barely-trained group of diverse superheroes must team up to save Canada, and the world!

Based on the classic John Byrne run on the first Alpha Flight series, this movie tells the story of Guardian, the leader of a diverse group of Canadian superheroes, who are Canada’s last line of defense against outside forces, whether they be the Great Beasts that break through dimensional barriers to conquer the Great White North or alien invasion forces intent on conquering the earth.

Guardian, Canada’s cross between Captain America and Iron Man. Heather Hudson, Guardian’s wife an equal as a scientist and leader. Shaman, the Sarcee mystic and trained medical doctor. Puck, the little person who is a master of martial arts and acrobatics. Snowbird, the demigod and avatar of Canada’s natural resources. Sasquatch, the legendary beast of the Northern forests. Northstar, the flashy gay speedster and Aurora, his equally fast and flamboyant twin sister who suffers from dissociative identity disorder. Marinna, the mysterious aquatic being that may be tied to to Alpha Flight’s greatest enemy. Can they come together to defeat the Master?

This story is adapted from parts of Alpha Flight, Volume 1, Issues 1-18 from 1983-85. The intellectual property this screenplay is owned by Marvel Comics.

This spec feature was written in 2020 and last updated in 2022.

Keywords: Marvel, comic books, superhero, diverse cast, LGBTQ+, Canada